Friday, 30 April 2021

602 Update (Personal Statement and CV Progression)

As I was struggling to make a start on my CV, I decided to rewrite my personal statement first. Over Summer, I had been writing a personal statement to apply for a PGCE in Art and Design, as I had no interest in pursuing animation any further. As discussed, I then had a change of heart which rendered this personal statement useless.

So, I went back through and took out the parts that no longer applied, rewrote some paragraphs, and reworded others so they made sense in the context of my new application. I then sent this to a lecturer for feedback, as well as the careers portal and a family member.

After the Easter holidays, I received feedback and made some altercations. The main issue was finding ways to reduce the word count, as I had about double the amount of words I wanted for both document.

My lecturer told me to start from scratch which was disheartening, given I only had a couple weeks left to make these amendments alongside the rest of this module. I also never received feedback from the Careers Portal.

I was critical and ended up reducing my personal statement down to four paragraphs, and my CV down to just over a page. I then sent these updated versions to my lecturers for some feedback. One advised me to lose the work experience section entirely, and instead replace it with information on the competitions I've entered. They also stated that I should lose my current references, and instead ask a tutor or classmate, as it would be more relevant.

As discussed in the previous blog post, I wanted to keep my CV looking professional so I didn't add any creative flares as I felt they were unnecessary. The advice was also contradictory considering a VP told us to keep them simple.

By this point, the Careers Portal had responded, and were very supportive and encouraging of the direction I had taken my CV in. They suggested rearranging the order, and changing the references however in my most recent draft, I lost the references entirely.

For this last draft, I changed the format from a personal statement, to a cover letter, as I felt this may be more useful when applying for jobs in the future. However, I was worried that this change in format may render the content useless, as maybe there are different targets to aim for in a cover letter, so I asked for feedback first.

Once approved, I posted it!

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